Monday, December 5, 2011

My Daughter's Mad Hatter Tea Party

Baby Alice
The White Queen and One
of Tweedle Brothers
 My daughter-The White Queen- threw a Mad Hatter Tea Party for some of children we know.  She worked with a friend of ours to make invitations and party decorations for the big day.  The children were all allowed to wear an appropriate outfit if they wished and come together for tea and cookies, croquet and songs.

 They placed red roses from the 99 cent store in the already existing white rose bushes and made large playing cards out of poster board then placed on wire for the game.

Bread and Butterflies

The special characters were made from Crayola Model Magic and craft accessories.

The Mad Hatter himself

We decorated lanterns before the party to hang in the trees with tissue paper, alice pictures, pom poms and craft paper. Of course the table was set for tea.

The  moms were invited for appetizers and sangria and were each given a large hat to wear upon arrival (the sangria helps with the hat wearing).

We allowed all of the children to dive right into the cake with their bare hands.  It was funny to watch the children's faces as the first one dug in.  They all looked around to see if he was going to get in trouble and when none of the adults said anything, they looked at each other with shocked faces and and slowly put in one finger at first, but by the end were taking large scoops of cake.  Not something I would suggest for any party, but for a Mad Hatter Tea Party, it was perfect.

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