- Trace and cut different size circles onto fabrics and felts that suit your fancy. We ironed the fabric onto interfacing to give it a little less floppiness for handling purposes, but that is up to you and the material you choose.
- on a large piece of felt cut from a bolt, you can pre-draw or cut free hand the tree trunk.
- Now here is where we had to use our noodles and do some thinking. Double stick tape would stick to the wall but not the felt and we didn't want to use anything that would damage the walls. I ended up using 3m removable wall hooks. Not the actual hook, but the sticky part that sticks to the hook. You can by refill packs and just put 3 at the top of each circle, peeling and sticking, peeling and sticking, over and over again.
That's all there is to it. We even got carried away with the circle cutting and had more left over. If you know me, I cannot let anything go to waste so I took the extra circles and jazzed up my boring old clock as well.