Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Bee's Knees Wall Fashion by The Old Yarn Girls

My friend made this for me, because after she learned of my Bee obsession she began to see them everywhere.  While at the local craft store she found these bee note cards in a $1 bin and cut them down then mod podge them, cut a scrap of vintage yellow polka dress to cover the mat in a thrift store frame she spray painted off-white and there you have it.  A wall fashion that is the bee's knees!

I was then inspired to create this Etsy Treasury list called


  1. Your friend's gift to you is really lovely!
    Thank you for including my Bee Necklace in your treasury!


  2. Your treasury looks gorgeous on your blog. Thank-you so much. My little honey bee is honoured to be amongst such a cool collection of bees:)
